Paid Advertising 101

Lost in the world of paid advertising? It can be a lot to compute. Today, we’re sharing with you a few key methods to paid advertising to help you maneuver your way through the digital marketing world.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC ads are paid for only when they are clicked on. One of the benefits of this form of advertising is that you do not pay if nobody clicks on your ads. The price will vary based on the marketplace value of the keywords or expression you are targeting—calculated by the ads quality score and the competition for that market. Because you are competing with other advertainments for these clicks, the price can be higher, and you risk overspending.

Social Media Advertising

Advertising on social media can be very beneficial—when done correctly. Most platforms offer an option for paid advertising, the biggest including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Some platforms will yield quicker results than others. Research each platform and their benefits to utilizing the one that best fits your needs. Facebook, for example, offers detailed targeting options and stretches across many different demographics. Whereas, Instagram play to more of the millennial demographic. Instagram is owned by Facebook, so it is possible to utilize an ad across both platforms.

Cost Per Impression (CPM)

CPM ads are billed at a flat rate per impressions. This means that it’s measured by the number of times an ad is displayed or left an “impression” on a user. Clicks and interactions are not factored into the payment. This is generally a better option for visual ads that can make more of an impression. CPMs are usually more inexpensive, and because of the flat rate, there isn’t a risk of overspending. This method will guarantee your ad being seen, but will not guarantee action.

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Jason Ryser

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