How Often and What Should You Be Marketing on Social Media

Social media is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal. But can there be too much of a good thing when marketing on social media? When it comes to social media, how often and what should you be posting? Using social media correctly is a free website optimization technique that you can’t afford to not take advantage of because of its ease of use.

However, easy to use doesn’t mean easy to master. The frequency with which you post is a delicate balance to strike. You want to post often enough that you are keeping your business at the forefront of your customer’s minds, but not so often that you start to become more of a nuisance than a solution to their problems.

Our Recommendations for Using Each Social Media Platform

When it comes to posting on Facebook, the recommended posting frequency is once per day.  But this doesn’t need to be new content each day. You can easily and successfully reuse or revise old posts as often as every other day. Try posting between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to get the most mileage out of your post.

Twitter is very different from Facebook. Instead of one post a day, you should look to post or tweet as much as 15 times a day! Try retweeting about half that each day, and spread your Tweets out throughout the day and even into the wee hours of the morning.

Incredibly, according to Pew Research, over four in one Americans use or have used Instagram. Post first thing in the morning when you are using Instagram to promote your business, and then again mid-afternoon. More than that will be too much.

Because it has a very different audience, LinkedIn posts should be limited to just once a day. Try posting an hour or two before lunch and don’t be afraid to curate or reshare a post every other day.

Pinterest, like Twitter, is pretty tolerant to a high number of social media posts. Try as many as ten pins per day, but no more than 30. After you decide how many pins you want to pin, try to spread them out evenly throughout the day. Try not to pin only your content, but rather save the majority of your pins for content from other sources.

What Content Should You Share?

Now that you have an idea of the amount of marketing on social media you can do in a day, just what exactly should you be posting to draw shoppers in and ultimately improve your SEO? Facebook users appreciate valuable and interesting content. Twitter users prefer more content but aim to keep it relevant to their followers. Instagram posts should be relevant but very attractive images that are well thought out.

LinkedIn posts should be relevant to your business or industry and should be of a professional nature. Because you’ll be posting more often on Pinterest, you want to make sure your pins can catch the attention of users by having beautiful, interesting images, good keywords, and good links back to your site or outside sources.  

No matter how often you decide to use marketing on social media, make sure that you are posting quality. Even if you are posting as often as 30 times a day, you want to make sure your posts are worth posting and will reflect well on your company.

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For more website optimization techniques, consider the benefits that come when you learn SEO. If you’d rather have professionals take care of that aspect of your digital marketing, hire an SEO consultant that can take your online presence to the next level.

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Jason Ryser

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