5 E-Commerce Marketing Strategies That Work

5 E-Commerce Marketing Strategies That Work

E-commerce marketing strategies are becoming extremely important as Americans continue to increase their level of online shopping.

As the Coronavirus continues to ravage the world, online shopping and e-commerce seem to be thriving now more than ever. It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned the entire business world upside down. While many businesses have been shut down or are experiencing restrictions, people are turning to the internet to purchase many of their goods. The U.S. Department of Congress reported that Americans did 30% more online shopping from January to July in 2020 than that of the previous year. If you run an e-commerce business, now is the time to take advantage of the opportunity to grow your industry.

Here are five e-commerce marketing strategies that work.

1. Detailed Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are one of the most important parts of your e-commerce business. Although consumers love the ease that online shopping provides, a potential drawback is the inability to see and feel the product before purchasing it. This is especially true with clothing. Detailed product descriptions are imperative. A high-quality product description contains the following:

  • Give all relevant details
  • Use natural language and tone
  • Highlight the product’s benefits
  • Optimize for search engines
  • Pack emotional punch through storytelling and power words


2. Raving Customer Testimonials

Along with a detailed description, your product should also include customer testimonials. There’s no better way to market your product than through satisfied customers who purchased it in the past. When options are presented (such as size, amount, color, etc.), testimonials can also help customers decide which one to select.

3. Be Transparent About Shipping Costs

On the product page, it’s important to be transparent about the total cost of the product, including shipping. Customers don’t like to wait until checkout to discover what their shipping costs will be. With the shipping costs easily accessible, shoppers will know what they can and can’t afford.

Even if an item is on sale, a high shipping price is known to deter a customer from completing the purchase. To keep your customers from abandoning their shopping cart for a competitor, try your best to keep shipping costs low and be upfront about them.

4. The Importance of Email Marketing

Emails are an amazing e-commerce marketing strategy that directly reaches your customer base. They can bring new consumers to your business, convey information to loyal patrons, and even reintroduce your business to past buyers. Building a list of people who are interested in online promotions and events with help ensure that your emails are reaching the proper clientele. If you need ideas for how to improve your marketing emails, REVITY has you covered.


5. Build a Connection with Your Customer Base

How can you make your customers feel a part of your business?

  • Regularly communicate with your clientele on your website and social media platforms.
  • Respond to all feedback, both good and bad, to show that you’re listening to the individual and trying to better your business.
  • You may also want to create a behind-the-scenes video. Giving your customers an idea of how your business operates behind the website can help build a loyal connection.


REVITY Marketing Agency Specializes in E-Commerce Marketing

REVITY is proud to specialize in e-commerce marketing strategies. Our team can help you increase your revenue by boosting e-commerce sales. We offer a full-service support system that includes everything from web design and branding to website maintenance and support.

See how your business can benefit from our services today!



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Jason Ryser

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