Questions You Should Be Asking Your Marketing Company

Working with a marketing company can be a huge benefit for your business. There is no business without customers, and customers come after successful marketing.

Working with a professional marketing company can really set your business apart from the rest. Whether it’s with social media management, producing videos for your company, or even rebuilding your website, there’s no denying the benefits of hiring a marketing professional.

But before you partner with a company, or even if you already have, it’s important to be well informed. Here are a few questions you should be asking your marketing company.

Taking the Lead

As you seriously consider working with a marketing company, you should know exactly who you’re going to be working with. It’s important to establish a professional relationship with the person who will not only be managing your account, but executing the work as well. Whether everything is done in-house or some of it is outsourced, you should be aware and comfortable with the situation.

Ask for Success Stories

One of the questions you should be asking your marketing company is to provide examples of their successful campaigns. You want to know that they have successfully marketed businesses before. You’ll also want to look closely at their work to see if it is what you had in mind. Another important follow-up question is to ask about their track record for businesses similar to yours. Whether it’s a similar market or a similarly sized company (or preferably both), you will get a pretty good idea of what to expect when you see their previous work.


It goes without saying that the cost of marketing services will play a huge role in whether or not a company is a good fit for you. Be upfront about your budget and ask for a quote you can budget for.

Detailed Roadmap

There are several different questions you can ask to get this information, but essentially you want to know exactly what your marketing business is going to do for you, and how they’re going to do it. Ask for plan for the first 90 days of work, ask how they track progress each month, or ask when you’ll see results. Better yet, ask all three questions and more. Get as much information as you can so that you feel involved and confident moving forward.

Ask What You Can Do

There are plenty of things you’ll want to know about the marketing company you hope to work with. But there is some introspection you can do too. One way to do this is to ask your marketing company for help. “What can I do to help make your efforts as successful as possible?” They have worked with many businesses in the past, so they know what is helpful and what is harmful. By asking what you can do as their client to make things go as smoothly and successfully as possible, you not only ensure that it will, but you can help set things off on an amicable and constructive path for your working relationship.

Picture of Jason Ryser

Jason Ryser

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