Good Content Outline

Every business owner wants to increase traffic to their website. One place to start is to learn SEO and other website optimization techniques. While those things are important, there is one way to help optimize your website that is of equal importance — quality content.

Besides things like keywords, social media use, good analytics, and knowing your audiences’ search trends, good content should be among top 10 SEO tips you follow to optimize your website. But if you’re not sure where to start, writing content can be overwhelming.

While hiring a marketing company to help create compelling content for you is always an option, you can use some basic principles as an outline to create good content. Follow these tips to create the basic framework and help you get started with your own DIY approach to interesting and relevant content.

Make it Original

This can be hard to do when the internet is so vast, but it goes a long way with readers and Google when your content is original. It should be a no-brainer that if your content has already been read elsewhere on the internet, it won’t hold the attention of visitors for very long. Get creative, think outside the box, and create something new and fresh!

Headlines Matter

It’s going to be the first thing users see and will ultimately lead them to your website to read more. You should spend time brainstorming creative and catchy headlines. It may seem like a waste of time to invest so much in just a few words, but with careful consideration, headlines can make or break traffic to your site.

Give Answers

Once you have visitors attracted to your content with good headlines, keep them thereby giving them answers to questions. Odds are they were looking for something when they came to Google and thought your website was a good place to get the answer to their question. Prove them right! Better yet, you can provide them with solutions or answers to things they didn’t even know they needed. That’s where knowing your audience, your product, and thinking creatively about the two can really make a difference.

Be Accurate

Whatever you do with your content, make sure you are accurate. There is no faster way to discredit your knowledge of the field than to have mistakes when it comes to advice or information within your content. Even minor grammatical errors can really hurt! If you lose a visitors due to an inaccuracy, you’re not likely to get a second chance to make it right. That’s why it is crucial to get it right the first time, and every time.

Create Engagement and Action

It’s hard to make your audience engage if your writing isn’t engaging. Draw readers in from the get-go with interesting ideas or promises, ask questions or give them an interesting story to follow (all of which should be well written). Ideally, your content should allow your audience to engage with you and your business as well as take action with helpful tips.

Picture of Jason Ryser

Jason Ryser

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