Facts About Digital Marketing

Having a successful business is all about having good leads. There may be several different avenues to get there, but ultimately the majority of those leads will come by utilizing online sources.

Online marketing, or digital marketing, is one strategy that simply can’t be ignored. It’s not just opinion; there are plenty of facts about digital marketing that will convince you that marketing digitally will help your business be successful.

Here Are Just Four Of Those Facts!

Fact #1 Digital Marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon

In fact, digital marketing is only growing! Over the last five years, companies have been spending more and more money on their digital marketing services. According to AdWeek, digital marketing budgets have jumped up to 75% of overall marketing budgets! This year may very well see digital ad spending leave TV ad spending in the dust. Not only that, but according to MediaPost, there are more and more opportunities for those interested in working as a digital marketer.

Fact #2 Increased Customers Service (and Satisfaction)

Marketing isn’t the only thing increasing online; customer service is too. A few years ago, going digital when it came to customer service may have only been the practice of a fraction of businesses. According to I-SCOOP, less than one-third of customer interaction happened online. But that number is on the rise, and you can easily expect about half of businesses to utilize digital customer service. In fact, that number is expected to grow to more than 50% this year. This makes sense when consumers spend so much of their time online. By taking your customer service online you are just a click away, something customers appreciate. Whether it is a product question, a problem with an order, or simply wanting to know more, increased customer service and accessibility ultimately leads to customer satisfaction.

Fact #3 Sheer Exposure

It’s no secret that nearly everyone in the U.S. uses the internet. Of those internet users, 87% have a smartphone, according to Global Web Index. Not only are people using the internet at home, they’re using it just about everywhere else they go too. Which means you have the potential to catch their attention anytime, anyplace. This should also demonstrate the importance of focusing on mobile-friendly digital marketing as well as traditional desktop marketing. Not only should your ads should look good on a small screen, but your e-mail newsletters should too. And don’t forget your website’s purchasing and checkout process! Your users are using their phones to make purchases too.

Fact #4 Video is Important

If you thought you could focus your digital marketing on emails, social media, and excellent web design you wouldn’t be wrong, but you wouldn’t be completely right either. Video is becoming more and more important when it comes to digital marketing. In fact, Cisco reports that by 2019, 80% of the world’s internet traffic will be video. Videos can be a daunting undertaking if you haven’t done it before, which is why it’s helpful to hire a marketing professional to produce your videos. Whether you’re looking to take advantage of video services, web design, email marketing, or social media management, REVITY Solutions can help you make the most of your digital marketing.

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Jason Ryser

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