Content Marketing: The Importance of an Eye-Catching Blog Title

Grabbing an audience and keeping their attention is vital to your company’s success, and writing an eye-catching blog title is key. A relevant, catchy, and informative blog enables visitors to learn about the topic they’re interested in and decide why they should choose you to answer their questions or solve their problem. Today’s blog will highlight the importance of writing a blog title that draws in readers.

Methods for Creating Eye-Catching Headlines and Titles

Many techniques flood the web about creating headlines that grab a reader’s attention and get them to read a blog and then take action. The following are 7 methods for how to write eye-catching blog titles that get the content noticed.

1. Begin with a working title.

Before you land on a title, start with a rough draft. It would help to brainstorm some ideas and check out other popular blogs and include the keyword you want to use. The more specific title you can pick, the better. Choosing titles that focus on how to do something is also popular; however, questions are rising in popularity, so think of questions someone might ask in a search engine that fits your business or services.

2. Once you have a solid title, put it into Google and see what comes up.

If there are too many 7 Tips on how to do something, do 9 Tips or 5 Tips, or whatever isn’t already saturated on search engines.

3. Keep accurate.

When you choose a title, the first rule is don’t make it click-bait. That may have worked ten years ago, it doesn’t now, and people can spot a click-bait title. Stay accurate and true to your topic. If you can’t prove a claim with your title with credible and accurate content, people will wonder if they can trust you or your company. If you are writing on a report, add a bracketed clarification to your title or headline, which performs 38 percent better than headlines without clarification.

4. Make your title sexy.

This means making your title pop with a hook that makes people click on the link. You can accomplish this in many ways, but it’s critical you know your audience. Finding language that relates to them and what they find valuable is key. Here are some ways to find a sexy title:

  • Use strong language. Positive words are just as powerful as negative ones. For example, a title like “Amazing Facts About the #1 Dog Breed” or “Top Reasons Why People Hate Twitter.” Would you click on those clinks? I’m guessing, yes.
  • Play with alliteration. If you use a title with the words “Forever Free” or “Perfectly Possible,” it draws the eye in and makes your writing more memorable. A simple concept can produce real results. (see what I did there?)
  • Visualize it. Interestingly, 37 percent of headlines performed better when the word “photo” was included, according to Hubspot. 
  • Focus on whos, not whys. Intrigue your audience by having the word “who” in their titles or headlines. This led to a 22 percent higher CTR than headlines without the word. For example, “10 Cutting-Edge Companies Who Are Blowing Up Social Media.” Another one could include, “5 Brilliant Brands Who Are Trending on Instagram.”

5. K.I.S.S. (Keep it Short & Simple)

You don’t want a title that takes up two lines and wordy. Focus on keeping the title under 70 characters or about 12 words maximum. Social media likes between 12-14 words, with the best being on the lower end. According to Content Marketing Institute, headlines with only eight words had a 21 percent clickthrough rate than the average title. 

Instead of “Don’t Have Time to Read? Learn the Top Ten Ways You Can Speedread in 60 Days,” how about, “Learn Top Ten Ways to Speedread in 60 Days.” Say your title out loud and in your head. Does it sound like a mouthful? Then shorten it.

6. Optimize for search and social

— but don’t try too hard. You don’t want to optimize your title for your audience by trying too hard with your title and making it sound strange. If you can optimize for both, that’s best. Once you focus your keywords that your audience is already searching for, you can search volume for those keywords. Note, place your keyword at the beginning of your headline, if possible, to catch a reader’s attention and ensure Google doesn’t cut off your title for being over 70 characters.

7. Brainstorm with Others.

Get friends or co-workers’ feedback on titles and see what they think. Get together with your content team and brainstorm on relevant but eye-catching blog titles. Other people’s ideas can help if you get stuck.

Here at REVITY, we know the importance of eye-catching blog titles with relevant, engaging, and informative content. We also know what keywords to implement for SEO and to increase traffic to your website, leading to conversion. Want to know more? Get in contact with us today. Our talented and experienced writers and other marketing specialists can take your business to the next level of success with our proven techniques.

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Jason Ryser

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