- Categories:
Social Media Ads, Automation/Email Marketing,
E-Commerce, SEM
- The Client:
Pockets of Learning
- The Brief:
Pockets of Learning was a small e-commerce shop looking to have steady revenue and begin to scale. We employed creative and unique social ads to target interested audiences and grow a base. Over time, we employed several strategies to continually increase revenue month-over-month.

The Plan
Increase return customer rate through quality email marketing automation.
Target specific groups and audiences with social media ads for different product categories.
Create a shared community through consistent, engaging social media posts.
The Result
Bottom Line: Increased online revenue by over 206% year-over-year
- Increase revenue by 206%
- 3.5+ ROAS on Facebook Ads
- 179.0% increase in transactions
- 215.4% increase in revenue from Facebook Ads
What this Client said

So the player can actually get to play through me, I am the first player, and of course I've got some boys with me, 3 other guys, all dressed up with an array of missiles and weapons, it looks to be a very very exciting game! "
Author Name
Founder & CEO