5 Need to Knows About Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is always growing and always changing. To keep your business on top, you must keep up with practices. Turn up your digital marketing game as you learn how to make the most of your efforts.

  • Brand Management
    Branding in the business world used to mean printing out business cards, having a logo, maybe printing a sign, but today it means something very different. Now, your brand extends to everything—how you present your company, how you communicate with customers, how your company is perceived by others, in other words it’s your image and reputation. Learning how to represent your company’s image in the best way possible and maintaining a positive online image is extremely important to a successful company. Branding includes planning the eventualities, having a plan in place when something inevitably goes wrong helps a business be successful in the long run. Brand management cannot be overlooked.
  • Mobile Friendly is a Must
    Over half of internet users are mobile internet users. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, you are likely losing out on loads of potential customers. Avoid alienating current or potential future customers by making all of your content mobile friendly and desktop friendly. No matter the platform your followers are using, they should be able to access your content.
  • Content Marketing
    At its core digital marketing is content marketing. Quality content is key, and it takes time to create. High quality, SEO-friendly content will help your marketing be most effective as it gives you a good search engine rating and validates your website as a source of knowledge. Creating a variety of content, i.e. videos, web content, blog posts, emails, images, etc. is of utmost importance. This variety in content will engage a variety of audiences as it also adds quality to your digital marketing game.
  • SEO and SEM
    SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing) are the driving force of successful digital marketing. These tools control your ranking on popular search engines and drive traffic to your website. Having a solid understand of how to optimize on search engine rankings is vital for digital marketing. Search engine rankings are determined by many factors, learning to utilize these will make your company show up on the first page of most search engines over time.
  • Utilizing Data and Analytics
    We’ve all heard the saying “history repeats itself”, this is also true in marketing. If you don’t record and learn from your data, you will not change, you will now grow. No matter your goal, Google Analytics can help you reach your goals as you learn what traffic you are getting, where you’re getting it from, and how your can improve on it. Learning about your target audience is not possible without data. When you take advantage of data and analytics you can analyze your past efforts and continuously make the most of your efforts moving forward to make the most of your digital marketing practices.
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Jason Ryser

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