LifeVantage CASE STUDY

Social Media, SEO, Paid Advertising, Reputation Management


A negative link in Google search results was damaging the client’s business and reputation. An FDA warning letter had been sent that included the client’s business name. The letter was sent in response to something a 3rd party had posted on a website unaffiliated with the client. The negative link started on the first page of google in position two. Revity successfully pushed the link to the third page of Google results.

The Plan

A negative link in Google search results was damaging the client’s business and reputation. An FDA warning letter had been sent that included the client’s business name. The letter was sent in response to something a 3rd party had posted on a website unaffiliated with the client.

LifeVantage had reached out to the FDA to request the letter be taken off the internet. The FDA acknowledged that the letter was not in response to anything LifeVantage had done illegally or improperly but declined taking the letter down.

The client asked us to move the link down result page and, if possible, off the first page. Starting position was number two on the first page for search term “LifeVantage.”

Revity utilized white-hat tactics to build the strength of positive LifeVantage pages. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media profiles were strengthened and began appearing above the negative link. Meta tags and other tactics were used to show YouTube videos, Twitter posts, and other material directly on the search page – further suppressing the negative link. Additionally, unclaimed listings and directories were claimed in LifeVantage’s name allowing these links to climb rankings.

After 11 months, the negative link was on the second page of Google SERPs. A few months later, the negative link was on the third page of Google SERPs.

The Result

Negative search result pushed from first page of Google results to the third page.


What this Client said

So the player can actually get to play through me, I am the first player, and of course I've got some boys with me, 3 other guys, all dressed up with an array of missiles and weapons, it looks to be a very very exciting game! "
Author Name
Founder & CEO